
In the Physics Department, students gain hands-on research experience with department faculty, innovative equipment and scientists from some of the world's top institutions. For more than a century, the department has spearheaded important discoveries in our labs and fostered generations of researchers, systems engineers, environmental scientists and biomedical engineers. Outside the department, our faculty hold leadership roles with partner institutes around the world, offering students unparalleled research and employment opportunities. 

With lab groups across many interest areas, undergraduate and graduate students can build their research experience and present, publish and win awards for their work. Research is ongoing in experimental and theoretical nuclear physics, experimental and theoretical biophysics, and high-energy astrophysics.


“[The university] combines the academic environment and also the research environment because GW is located in a hub of educational institutions and research centers. … The people that exist at and near the university are such fantastic scientists and personalities.”

Chryssa Kouveliotou
Professor of Astrophysics

Chryssa Kouveliotou

Faculty by Research Area

Research Facilities


TA Raju Timsina talks with Mark Reeves in the SEH biophysics lab, surrounded by laboratory equipment and computers
The biophysics lab in Science and Engineering Hall



The Physics Department operates out of historic Corcoran Hall and the state-of-the-art Science and Engineering Hall (SEH). Labs are outfitted with cutting-edge equipment. The department also partners with researchers from other sciences at SEH, and faculty collaborate with many of the country's top research institutions located in the Washington, D.C., area.


Physics Making Headlines

Alumni Class Notes 2015

John Capone, BS ’10, is currently enrolled at the University of Maryland, College Park, since 2010. John received his MS in astronomy in 2012 and expects to complete his PhD in...

Alumni Class Notes 2014

Phil Brinkman, MA ’74: I have worked for the U.S. Department of Transportation since 1973, first for the Federal Highway Administration leading research efforts to develop...

Steve Howell Receives 2014 Craig Futterman Prize

April 2014. Steve Howell received the Craig Futterman Prize for Outstanding Biophysics Graduate Student. Congratulations Steve!

Nature Publication by Professor Peng

New publication in Nature by Professor Peng

PfSETvs methylation of histone H3K36 represses virulence genes in Plasmodium falciparum. Lubin Jiang...