Neil Johnson

Neil Johnson
Professor of Physics
Neil Johnson is a professor of physics at GW and heads up a new initiative in Complexity and Data Science which combines cross-disciplinary fundamental research with data science to attack complex real-world problems. His research interests lie in the broad area of Complex Systems and ‘many-body’ out-of-equilibrium systems of collections of objects, ranging from crowds of particles to crowds of people and from environments as distinct as quantum information processing in nanostructures through to the online world of collective behavior on social media. See the Dynamic Online Networks Lab for full details of his research.
He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) and is the recipient of the 2018 Burton Award from the APS. He received his BA/MA from St. John's College, Cambridge, University of Cambridge and his PhD as a Kennedy Scholar from Harvard University. He was a Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge, and later a Professor of Physics at the University of Oxford until 2007, having joined the faculty in 1992. Following a period as Professor of Physics at the University of Miami, he was appointed Professor of Physics at George Washington University in 2018. He presented the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures "Arrows of Time" on BBC TV in 1999. He has more than 300 published research papers across a variety of research topics and has supervised the doctoral theses of more than 25 students. His published books include Financial Market Complexity published by Oxford University Press and Simply Complexity: A Clear Guide to Complexity Theory published by Oneworld Publications. He co-founded and co-directed CABDyN (Complex Agent-Based Dynamical Systems) which is Oxford University's interdisciplinary research center in Complexity Science, and an Oxford University interdisciplinary research center in financial complexity (OCCF).
Publications to Jan 2025 (without all conference presentations):
NEW TEXTBOOK TO APPEAR IN 2025: “Online-Offline Complexity: The New Physics of Interacting Humans, Technology and AI” Oxford University Press; Frank Yingjie Huo, Pedro D. Manrique, Minzhang Zheng, Neil F. Johnson
"Multispecies Cohesion: Humans, Technology, AI and Beyond" Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 247401 (2024); Frank Yingjie Huo, Pedro D. Manrique, Neil F. Johnson
“How U.S. Presidential elections strengthen global hate networks” npj Complexity 1, 18 (2024); A. Verma, R. Sear, N.F. Johnson
“Prior work shows same main takeaway” Science eLetters, Oct 18 (2024); N.F. Johnson
"Non-equilibrium physics of multi-species assembly applied to fibrils inhibition in biomolecular condensates and growth of online distrust” Sci. Rep. 14, 21911 (2024); Pedro D. Manrique, Frank Yingjie Huo, Sara El Oud, Neil F. Johnson
"Nonlinear outbreak behavior across multi-platform social media" Chaos 34, 043149 (2024); Chenkai Xia and Neil F. Johnson
"Vulnerability of Quantum Information Systems to Collective Manipulation”
"Controlling bad-actor-AI activity at scale across online battlefields” PNAS Nexus 3, 004 (2024); Neil F. Johnson, Richard Sear, Lucia Illari
"Adaptive link dynamics drive online hate networks and their mainstream influence” npj Complexity 1, 2 (2024); Minzhang Zheng, Richard Sear, Lucia Illari, Nicholas J. Restrepo, Neil F. Johnson
"Softening online extremes organically and at scale” IEEE Access 12, 55768 (2024); Elvira Maria Restrepo, Martin Moreno, Lucia Illari, Neil F. Johnson
“Complexity of the Online Distrust Ecosystem and its Evolution” Frontiers in Complex Systems 1:1329857 (2024); Lucia Illari, Nicholas J. Restrepo, Neil F. Johnson
“Energy transfer in N-component nanosystems enhanced by pulse-driven vibronic many-body entanglement” Scientific Reports 13, 19790 (2023); Fernando J. Gomez-Ruiz, Oscar L. Acevedo, Ferney J. Rodriguez, Luis Quiroga, and Neil F. Johnson
"Cavity-induced switching between Bell-state textures in a quantum dot”, Phys. Rev. B 108, 195409 (2023); S. S. Beltran-Romero, F. J. Rodriguez, L. Quiroga, N. F. Johnson
"Explaining conflict violence in terms of conflict actor dynamics” Scientific Reports 13, 21187 (2023); Katerina Tkacova, Annette Idler, Neil Johnson, Eduardo Lopez
"Rise of post-pandemic resilience across the distrust ecosystem”, Scientific Reports 13, 15640 (2023); Lucia Illari, Nicholas J. Restrepo, Neil F. Johnson
"Shockwave-like behavior across social media", Physical Review Letters 130, 237401 (2023); Pedro D. Manrique, Frank Yingjie Huo, Sara El Oud, Minzhang Zheng, Lucia Illari, Neil F. Johnson
"Emergence of Polarization in Coevolving Networks", Physical Review Letters 130, 037401 (2023); Jiazhen Liu, Shengda Huang, Nathaniel M. Aden, Neil F. Johnson, and Chaoming Song
"Inductive detection of Influence Operations via Graph Learning” Scientific Reports 13, 22571 (2023); Nicholas A. Gabriel, David A. Broniatowski, Neil F. Johnson
"Stochastic Modelling of Possible Pasts to Illuminate Future Risks", The Oxford Handbook of Complex Disaster Risks and Resilience, Oxford University Press (2023)
"Offline events and online hate", PLoS ONE 18(1): e0278511 (2023)
"Losing the battle over best-science guidance early in a crisis: Covid-19 and beyond". Science (Advances) 28 Sep Vol 8, Issue 39 (2022). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abo8017; L. Illari, N. J. Restrepo, N.F. Johnson
"Connectivity Between Russian Information Sources and Extremist Communities Across Social Media Platforms". Front. Polit. Sci. 4:885362.
"Dynamic Topic Modeling Reveals Variations in Online Hate Narratives". In: Arai, K. (eds) Intelligent Computing. SAI 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 507. Springer, Cham. (2022).
"Machine Learning Reveals Adaptive COVID-19 Narratives in Online Anti-Vaccination Network". In: Yang, Z., von Briesen, E. (eds) Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of The Computational Social Science Society of the Americas. CSSSA 2021. Springer Proceedings in Complexity. Springer, Cham.
"The Multiverse of Online Extremism is Held Together by Hate’s Gravity", in Exploring Hate: An Anthology. Edited by Joshua A. Geltzer, Dipayan Ghosh, and Robert L. McKenzie, June 28, 2022:
"Using Neural Architectures to Model Complex Dynamical Systems". Adv. Artif. Intell. Mach. Learn., 2 (2 ): 366-384 (2022); Nicholas Gabriel, Neil F. Johnson
“Dynamic Latent Dirichlet Allocation Tracks Evolution of Online Hate Topics”, Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Vol. 2 Issue 1 (2022); Richard F. Sear, Nicholas J. Restrepo, Rhys Leahy, Yonatan Lupu, Neil F. Johnson
"How Social Media Machinery Pulled Mainstream Parenting Communities Closer to Extremes and Their Misinformation During Covid-19”, IEEE Access 10, 2330 - 2344 (2021); Nicholas J. Restrepo. Lucia Illari, Rhys Leahy, Yonatan Lupu, Neil F. Johnson
"Machine Learning Language Models: Achilles Heel for Social Media Platforms and a Possible Solution", Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. 1 (3), 184-195 (2021); Richard F. Sear, Nicholas J. Restrepo, Rhys Leahy, Yonatan Lupu, Neil F. Johnson
"Ladder of Loschmidt anomalies in the deep strong-coupling regime of a qubit-oscillator system", Physical Review A 104, 043712 (2021); J. M. Betancourt, F. J. Rodriguez, L. Quiroga, N.F. Johnson
"A public health research agenda for managing infodemics: Methods and results of the first WHO infodemiology conference", JMIR Infodemiology 1 (1), e30979 doi: 10.2196/30979 (2021) ;N. Calleja et al.
"Objectively measured teacher and preschooler vocalizations: Phonemic diversity is associated with language abilities", Developmental Science, Sept 30 in press (2021), DOI: ; Samantha G. Mitsven, Lynn K. Perry, Yudong Tao, Batya E. Elbaum, Neil F. Johnson, Daniel S. Messinger
“Online hate network spreads malicious COVID-19 content outside the control of individual social media platforms”, Scientific Reports 11, 11549 (2021); N. Velásquez, R. Leahy, N. Johnson Restrepo, Y. Lupu, R. Sear, N. Gabriel, O.K. Jha, B. Goldberg, N.F. Johnson
“Hidden order across online extremist movements can be disrupted by nudging collective chemistry”, Scientific Reports 11, 9965 (2021); N. Velásquez, P. Manrique, R. Sear, R. Leahy, N. Johnson Restrepo, L. Illari, Y. Lupu, N. F. Johnson
“New Math to Manage Online Misinformation”, SIAM News (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) Nov 30, (2021):…; Neil F. Johnson
"Unifying casualty distributions within and across conflicts”, Heliyon 6 e04808 (2020); Michael Spagat, Stijn van Weezel, D. Dylan Johnson Restrepo, Minzhang Zheng, Neil F. Johnson
"The online competition between pro- and anti-vaccination views" Nature 582, 230 (2020); N.F. Johnson, N. Velasquez, N. Johnson Restrepo, R. Leahy, N. Gabriel, S. El Oud, M. Zheng, P. Manrique, S. Wuchty, Y. Lupu
"Quantifying COVID-19 Content in the Online Health Opinion War Using Machine Learning", IEEE Access 8, 91886 (2020); R.F. Sear, N. Velasquez, R. Leahy, N. Johnson Restrepo, S. El Oud, N. Gabriel, Y. Lupu, N.F. Johnson 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2993967
"Facebook Pages and Promotion of Vaccine Refusal as a Civil Right, 2009-2019." American Journal of Public Health 10, 53 S312 (2020); David A. Broniatowski, Amelia M. Jamison, Neil F Johnson, Nicolas Velasquez, Rhys Leahy, Nicholas Johnson Restrepo, Mark Dredze, Sandra C. Quinn
"Dynamics of a round object moving along curved surfaces with friction", American Journal of Physics 88, 229 (2020) doi: 10.1119/10.0000310; Gabriel M. Mejía, Jose M. Betancourt, Christian D. Forero, Nicolas Avilán, F. J. Rodríguez, L. Quiroga, and Neil F. Johnson
"A computational science approach to understanding human conflict", Journal of Computational Science. Online 3 February (2020), ; D. Dylan Johnson Restrepo, Michael Spagat, Stijn van Weezel, Minzhang Zheng, Neil F. Johnson
“Hidden resilience and adaptive dynamics of the global online hate ecology”, Nature 573, 261 (2019); N. F. Johnson, R. Leahy, N. Johnson Restrepo, N. Velasquez, M. Zheng, P. Manrique, P. Devkota, S. Wuchty
“Getting closer to the goal by being less capable” Science Advances 2, eaau5902 (2019) DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aau5902; Pedro D. Manrique, Mason Klein, Yao Sheng Li, Chen Xu, Pak Ming Hui, Neil F. Johnson
“Emergent dynamics of extremes in a population driven by common information sources and new social media algorithms”, Scientific Reports 9, 11895 (2019); N. F. Johnson, P. Manrique, M. Zheng, Z. Cao, J. Botero, S. Huang, N. Aden, C. Song, J. Leady, N. Velasquez, E. M. Restrepo
“How Physics Helps Lift the Lid on Online Extremism” Forum on Physics and Society (American Physical Society publication, March 2019); Neil F. Johnson
“The Dark Side of Social Media” Physics World, March 2019. Cover article. Neil F. Johnson
“Temporal evolution of online extremist support”, Physica A 519, 169 (2019); Zhenfeng Cao, Minzhang Zheng, Pedro D. Manrique, Zhou He and Neil F. Johnson
“Continuous Measurement of Dynamic Classroom Social Interactions”, International Journal of Behavioral Development (2019); Daniel S. Messinger, Emily B. Prince, Minzhang Zheng, Katherine Martin, Samantha G. Mitsven, Shengda Huang, Tanja Stölzel, Neil Johnson, Udo Rudolph, Lynn Perry, Brett Laursen, Chaoming Song
“Patterns in Terrorism and Insurgency: From real events and online extremism to a generative mathematical model”, book chapter, Understanding Crime through Science - Interdisciplinary Analysis and Modeling of Criminal Activities, Springer (2020); Neil F. Johnson, Stijn van Weezel, Michael Spagat and Dylan Johnson
“Fundamental patterns and predictions of event size distributions in modern wars and terrorist campaigns”, PLOS ONE, (2018) ; Michael Spagat, Neil F Johnson, Stijn van Weezel
“Impact on the topology of power-law networks from anisotropic and localized access to information”, Phys. Rev E 98, 042307 (2018); Zhenfeng Cao, Zhou He, and Neil F. Johnson
“Generalized gelation theory describes onset of online extremist support”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 048301 (2018); P.D. Manrique, M.Zheng, Z. Cao, E.M. Restrepo, N.F. Johnson
“Pulsed Generation of Quantum Coherences and Non-classicality in Light-Matter Systems”, Frontiers in Physics 17 August (2018); Fernando Javier Gómez-Ruiz, Oscar Leonardo Acevedo, Ferney Rodríguez, Luis Quiroga, Neil Johnson
“Decentralized competition produces nonlinear dynamics akin to klinotaxis”, Complexity 2018, Article ID 9803239 (2018) ; Pedro Manrique, Mason Klein, Yao Sheng Li, Chen Xu, Pak Ming Hui and Neil F. Johnson
“Universality and correlations in individuals wandering through an online extremist space”. Phys. Rev. E 97, 032315 (2018); Z. Cao, M. Zheng, Y. Vorobyeva, C. Song, N.F. Johnson
“Individual heterogeneity generates explosive system network dynamics”, Phys. Rev. E 97, 032311 (2018); Pedro D. Manrique, Neil F. Johnson
“Complexity in individual trajectories toward online extremism”, Complexity 2018, Article number 3929583 (2018); Z. Cao, M. Zheng, Y. Vorobyeva, C. Song, N.F. Johnson
“Multiscale dynamical network mechanisms underlying aging from birth to death”, Sci. Rep. 8, 3552 (2018); M. Zheng, Z. Cao, Y. Vorobyeva, P. Manrique, C. Song, N.F. Johnson
“Dynamics of entanglement and the Schmidt gap in a driven light-matter system”. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51, 024001 (2018); Fernando Javier Gómez-Ruiz, Juan Jose Mendoza-Arenas, Oscar Acevedo, Ferney J Rodriguez, Luis Quiroga and Neil F Johnson
“To slow or not? Challenges in subsecond networks”, Science 355, 801 (2017); Neil F. Johnson
“Exploiting non-trivial spatio-temporal correlations of thermal radiation for sunlight harvesting”, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50, 124002 (2017); A. De Mendoza, F. Caycedo-Soler, P. Manrique, L. Quiroga, F. Rodriguez, N.F. Johnson
“Simple visit behavior unifies complex Zika outbreaks”, Heliyon 3, e00482 (2017) ; P. Manrique, J. Beier, N.F. Johnson
“Subsecond tsunamis and delays in decentralized electronic systems” Electronics 6, 80 (2017); P. Manrique, M. Zheng, Z. Cao, D. Johnson, P.M. Hui and N.F. Johnson
“Impact of delayed information in sub-second complex systems”, Results in Physics 7, 3024 (2017) ; Pedro D. Manrique, Minzhang Zheng, D. Dylan Johnson Restrepo, Pak Ming Hui, Neil F. Johnson
“Host Outdoor Exposure Variability Affects the Transmission and Spread of Zika Virus: Insights for Epidemic Control”, PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 11, no. 9, Article number e0005851 (2017). Featured as cover article ; Marco Ajelli, Imelda K. Moise, Tricia Caroline S. G. Hutchings, Scott C. Brown, Naresh Kumar, Neil F. Johnson, John C. Beier
“Using Competition to Control Congestion in Autonomous Drone Systems” Electronics 6, 31 (2017); P.D. Manrique, D.D. Johnson, N.F. Johnson
"Toward a mathematical theory of dynamical behaviour in competitive multi-agent systems” Research and Communications in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 9, 1 (2017). ISSN 2319-6939; D. Johnson Restrepo, N.F. Johnson
"Unraveling the Collective Dynamics of Complex Adaptive Biomedical Systems” Curr. Trends Biomedical Eng. & Biosci. 8, 555749 (2017). DOI: 10.19080/CTBEB.2017.08.555749; D. Johnson Restrepo, N.F. Johnson
“Quantum Hysteresis in Coupled Light-Matter Systems” Entropy 18, 319 (2016) doi:10.3390/e18090319; Fernando Gomez-Ruiz, Oscar Acevedo, Luis Quiroga, Ferney Rodriguez, Neil F. Johnson
“Women’s connectivity in extreme networks” Science Advances 2, e1501742 (2016); Pedro Manrique, Zhenfeng Cao, Andrew Gabriel, John Horgan, Paul Gill, Hong Qi, Elvira M. Restrepo, Daniela Johnson, Stefan Wuchty, Chaoming Song and Neil Johnson
“New online ecology of adversarial aggregates” Science 352, 1459 (2016); N. F. Johnson, M. Zheng, Y. Vorobyeva, A. Gabriel, H. Qi, N. Velasquez, P. Manrique, D. Johnson, E. Restrepo, C. Song, S. Wuchty
“Atypical viral dynamics from transport through popular places” Phys. Rev. E 94, 022304 (2016); Pedro D. Manrique, Chen Xu, Pak Ming Hui, Neil F. Johnson
“Open source data reveals connection between online and on-street protest activity” EPJ Data Science 5, 18 (2016); Hong Qi, Pedro Manrique, Daniela Johnson, Elvira Restrepo, Neil F. Johnson
"Exploring the effects of photon correlations from thermal sources on bacterial photosynthesis". Results in Physics, 6, 957 (2016); Pedro Manrique, Felipe Caycedo-Soler, Adriana De Mendoza, Ferney Rodríguez, Luis Quiroga, Neil Johnson
“Anomalous Contagion and Renormalization in Networks with Nodal Mobility” Europhysics Letters EPL 115, 18001 (2016); Pedro D. Manrique, Hong Qi, Minzhang Zheng, Chen Xu, Pak Ming Hui, Neil F. Johnson
“Association between Volume and Momentum of Online Searches and Real-World Collective Unrest” Results in Physics 6, 414 (2016); Hong Qi, Pedro Manrique, Daniela Johnson, Elvira Restrepo, Neil F. Johnson
“An explanation for the universal 3.5 power-law observed in currency markets” Results in Physics 6, 48 (2016); Nicholas A. Johnson and Neil F. Johnson
“Efficient Computational Testing of Scale-Free Behavior in Real-World Systems”, Journal of Computational Science 12, 77 (2016); Guannan Zhao, Zhenyuan Zhao and Neil F. Johnson
“Quantitative patterns in drone wars” Physica A 443, 380 (2016); Javier Garcia-Bernardo, Peter Sheridan Dodds, Neil F. Johnson
“A Complex Systems Perspective on Urban Disasters” IDRC, Global Risk Forum, Davos, Switzerland, 31 August (2016); J.M. Shultz, A. Rechkemmer, N.F. Johnson
“New terrorism reveals new physics”, American Physical Society News, November 2016: Neil F. Johnson
“Crowd-Anticrowd Theory of Dynamical Behavior in Competitive, Multi-Agent Autonomous Systems and Networks” J. Comput. Intell. Electron. Syst. 3, 256 (2015); Neil F. Johnson and Pak Ming Hui
“Survivability of photosynthetic bacteria in non-terrestrial light”, Journal of Astrobiology, Journal of Astrobiology & Outreach 3 124, (2015); Pedro D. Manrique, Adriana De Mendoza, Felipe Caycedo, Ferney Rodriguez, Luis Quiroga, and Neil F. Johnson
“Internal character dictates phase transition dynamics between isolation and cohesive grouping” Phys. Rev. E 92, 062803 (2015); Pedro D. Manrique, Pak Ming Hui, Neil F. Johnson
“Large dynamic light-matter entanglement from driving neither too fast nor too slow”, Phys. Rev. A 92, 032330 (2015); O. Acevedo, L. Quiroga, F. Rodríguez, N. F. Johnson
“Robust quantum correlations in out-of-equilibrium matter-light systems”, New Journal of Physics 17, 093005 (2015); O.L. Acevedo, L. Quiroga, F.J. Rodriguez and Neil F. Johnson
“Non-equilibrium quantum systems: Divergence between global and local descriptions”, Advances in Condensed Matter Physics (2015) DOI: 10.1155/2015/615727; Pedro D. Manrique, Ferney Rodriguez, Luis Quiroga and Neil F. Johnson
“Modeling insurgent attack dynamics across geographic scales and in cyberspace”, European Journal of Applied Mathematics (2015) DOI: 10.1017/S0956792515000388; Neil F. Johnson, D. E. Johnson and E. M. Restrepo
“Modeling human conflict and terrorism across geographic scales” in Social Phenomena: From Data to Models, B. Gonzalves (ed.), Springer, New York (2015); Neil F. Johnson, E.M. Restrepo and Daniela Johnson
“New Dynamical Scaling Universality for Quantum Networks Across Adiabatic Quantum Phase Transitions”, Physical Review Letters 112, 030403 (2014); O. L. Acevedo, L. Quiroga, F. J. Rodríguez, and N. F. Johnson
“Regular transport dynamics produce chaotic travel times”, Phys. Rev. E 89, 062922 (2014); Jorge Villalobos, Víctor Muñoz, José Rogan, Roberto Zarama, Neil F. Johnson, Benjamín Toledo, and Juan Alejandro Valdivia
“Short-Term Forecasting of Taiwanese Earthquakes Using a Universal Model of Fusion-Fission Processes”, Nature Scientific Reports, 4, 3624 (2014); Siew Ann Cheong, Teck Liang Tan, Chien-Chih Chen, Wu-Lung Chang, Zheng Liu, Lock Yue Chew, Peter M. A. Sloot and Neil F. Johnson
“Persistent patterns in microtubule dipole lattices”, Advances in Complex Systems 16, 1350031 (2013); Shubhendu Nandi, Joshua Cohn and Neil F. Johnson
“Context Matters: Improving the Uses of Big Data for Forecasting”, IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics, 169-172 (2013); Pedro Manrique, Hong Qi, Ana Morgenstern, Nicolas Velasquez, Tsai Lu, and Neil F. Johnson
“Progress Curves and the Prediction of Significant Market Events”, Complex Sciences Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering Volume 126, (2013), pp 11-28; Sofia Apreleva, Neil Johnson, Tsai-Ching Lu
“Modeling Political Conflict, Violence and Wars: A Survey”, American Journal of Physics, 81, 805 (2013); Ana P. Morgenstern, Nicolas Velasquez, Pedro Manrique, Qi Hong, Nicholas Johnson and Neil F. Johnson
“Simple mathematical law benchmarks human confrontations”, Nature Scientific Reports, 3, 3463 (2013); Neil F. Johnson, Pablo Medina, Guannan Zhao, Daniel S. Messinger, John Horgan, Paul Gill, Juan Camilo Bohorquez, Whitney Mattson, Devon Gangi, Hong Qi, Pedro Manrique, Nicolas Velasquez, Ana Morgenstern, Elvira Restrepo, Nicholas Johnson, Michael Spagat and Roberto Zarama
“Transition in the Waiting-Time Distribution of Price-Change Events in a Global Socioeconomic System”, Physica A, 392, 6458 (2013); Guannan Zhao, Mark McDonald, Dan Fenn, Stacy Williams, Nicholas Johnson, Neil F. Johnson
“Temporal network approach to unraveling collective neuron firings”, Journal of Complex Networks, doi:10.1093/comnet/cnt017 (2013); Blazej Ruszczycki, Zhenyuan Zhao, Nicholas Johnson and Neil F. Johnson
“Quantum Criticality Stabilizes High T c Superconductivity Against Competing Symmetry-Breaking Instabilities”, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, Vol. 26, pp 2611-2616 (2013). DOI 10.1007/s10948-013-2145-0; Josef Ashkenazi and Neil F. Johnson
“Extreme alien light allows survival of terrestrial bacteria” Nature Scientific Reports 3, 2198 doi:10.1038/srep02198 (2013); Neil Johnson, Guannan Zhao, Felipe Caycedo, Pedro Manrique, Hong Qi, Ferney Rodriguez and Luis Quiroga
“Abrupt rise of new machine ecology beyond human response time” Nature Scientific Reports 3, 2627 doi:10.1038/srep02627 (2013); Neil F. Johnson, Guannan Zhao, Eric Hunsader, Hong Qi, Nicholas Johnson, Jing Meng and Brian Tivnan
“Discrete Event Simulation Model of Sudden Cardiac Death Predicts High Impact of Preventive Interventions”, Nature Scientific Reports 3, 1771 doi:10.1038/srep01771 (2013); Victor P. Andreev, Trajen Head, Neil Johnson, Sapna K. Deo, Sylvia Daunert and Pascal J. Goldschmidt-Clermont
“Modeling Insurgent Dynamics Including Heterogeneity A Statistical Physics Approach”, J. Statistical Physics, 151, 395 (2013); Neil F. Johnson, P. Manrique and P.M. Hui
“Pairing Glue Activation in Cuprates within the Quantum Critical Regime”, Europhys. Lett. (EPL) 98, 47011 (2012); Josef Ashkenazi, Neil F. Johnson
“Dynamical Clustering of Exchange Rates”, Quantitative Finance 12, 1493 (2012); Daniel J. Fenn, Mason A. Porter, Peter J. Mucha, Mark McDonald, Stacy Williams, Neil F. Johnson, Nick S. Jones
“Understanding Complex Dynamics in Derivatives Finance: Why do Options Markets Smile?”, Advances in Complex Systems 15, 1250050 (2012); G. Qiu, D. Kandhai, Neil F. Johnson, P.M.A. Sloot
“Mechanistic origin of dragon-kings in a population of competing agents”, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 205, 65 (2012); Neil Johnson and Brian Tivnan
“From particles to people: Social, cultural and behavioral dynamics in insurgency, terrorism and beyond”, Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics (CRC Press, 2012); Neil F. Johnson
“Energy conversion in Purple Bacteria Photosynthesis”, Chapter in Photosynthesis, Advances in Photosynthesis - Fundamental Aspects, ISBN 978-953-307-928-8, edited by M. Najafpour (2012); Felipe Caycedo-Soler, Ferney J. Rodriguez, Luis Quiroga, Guannan Zhao and Neil F. Johnson
“Brave New World: Quantifying the new instabilities and risks arising in subsecond algorithmic trading”, Driver paper DR27 (2012). Foresight project, UK; Neil F. Johnson and Guannan Zhao
“Financial systems: Ecology and economics”, Nature 469, 302 (2011); Neil F. Johnson
“Pattern in Escalations in Insurgent and Terrorist Activity”, Science 333, 81 (2011); Neil F. Johnson, Spencer Carran, Joel Botner, Kyle Fontaine, Nathan Laxague, Philip Nuetzel, Jessica Turnley, Brian Tivnan
“Temporal evolution of financial-market correlations”, Physical Review E 84, 026109 (2011); Daniel J. Fenn, Mason A. Porter, Stacy Williams, Mark McDonald, Neil F. Johnson, and Nick S. Jones
“Equivalent dynamical complexity in a many-body quantum and collective human system”, AIP Advances 1, 012114 (2011); N. F. Johnson, J. Ashkenazi, Z. Zhao, and L. Quiroga
“Model for in vivo progression of tumors based on co-evolving cell population and vasculature”, Nature Scientific Reports 1, 31 (2011) doi:10.1038/srep00031; Sehyo C. Choe, Guannan Zhao, Zhenyuan Zhao, Joseph D. Rosenblatt, Hyun-Mi Cho, Seung-Uon Shin, Neil F. Johnson
“Network Automata: Coupling Structure and Function in Dynamic Networks” Advances in Complex Systems 14, 317 (2011); David M. D. Smith, Jukka-Pekka Onnela, Chiu Fan Lee, Mark D. Fricker, Neil F. Johnson
“Light-Harvesting Mechanism of Bacteria Exploits a Critical Interplay between the Dynamics of Transport and Trapping”, Physical Review Letters 104, 158302 (2010); Felipe Caycedo-Soler, Ferney J. Rodriguez, Luis Quiroga and Neil F. Johnson
“Accuracy and reproducibility of artemis central flap thickness and visual outcomes of LASIK with the VisuMax femtosecond laser and MEL 80 excimer laser platforms”, Journal of Refractive Surgery, 26, 107 (2010); Dan Z Reinstein, Timothy J Archer, Marine Gobbe, Neil Johnson
“The mirage of triangular arbitrage in the spot foreign exchange market”, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, Vol. 12, No. 8, 1105 (2010); Dan Fenn, Sam Howison, Mark McDonald, Stacy Williams and Neil F. Johnson
“Competitive carbon emission yields the possibility of global self-control”, Journal of Computational Science 1, 63 (2010); Dan Fenn, Zhenyuan Zhao, Pak Ming Hui and Neil F. Johnson
“Self-organized global control of carbon emissions”, Physica A 389, 3546 (2010); Zhenyuan Zhao, Daniel J. Fenn, Pak Ming Hui and Neil F. Johnson
“Effect of social group dynamics on contagion”, Physical Review E 81, 056107 (2010); Zhenyuan Zhao, J. P. Calderón, Chen Xu, Guannan Zhao, Dan Fenn, Didier Sornette, Riley Crane, Pak Ming Hui, and Neil F. Johnson
“Statistical Physics and Modern Human Warfare”, in Mathematical Modeling of Collective Behavior in Socio-Economic and Life Sciences, Eds. Naldi et al., Birkhäuser Boston (2010), DOI: 10.1007/978-0-8176-4946-3_14 p.365; Alex Dixon, Zhenyuan Zhao, Juan Camilo Bohorquez, Russell Denney and Neil Johnson
“Bacteria Power”, EnergyBiz, July 2010, p. 51; Neil F. Johnson
“Interplay between excitation kinetics and reaction-center dynamics in purple bacteria”, New Journal of Physics 12, 095008 (2010); Felipe Caycedo-Soler, Ferney J. Rodriguez, Luis Quiroga and Neil F. Johnson
“It’s complicated”, The Rotman Magazine (Rotman School of Management at University of Toronto), 2010; Neil F. Johnson
“Common ecology quantifies human insurgency”, Nature 462, 911 (2009) and featured cover article; Juan Camilo Bohorquez, Sean Gourley, Alex Dixon, Mike Spagat and Neil Johnson
“Anomalously slow attrition times for asymmetric populations with internal group dynamics”, Physical Review Letters 103, 148701 (2009); Zhenyuan Zhao, Juan Camilo Bohorquez, Alex Dixon and Neil F. Johnson. Also selected by American Physical Society for inclusion in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research (November, 2009).
“Strong Dependence of Infection Profiles on Grouping Dynamics during Epidemiological Spreading”, Complex Sciences, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Volume 4. ISBN 978-3-642-02465-8. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, p. 960; Zhao, Zhenyuan; Zhao, Guannan; Xu, Chen; Hui, Pak Ming; Johnson, Neil F.
“Relating the microscopic rules in coalescence-fragmentation models to the cluster-size distribution”, European Physical Journal 72, 289 (2009); Blazej Ruszczycki, Zhenyuan Zhao, Ben Burnett and Neil F. Johnson
“Cooperative behavior in evolutionary snowdrift game with bounded rationality”, Physica A 388, 4856 (2009); Y.C. Ni, C. Xu, P.M. Hui and Neil F. Johnson
“Human group formation in online guilds and offline gangs driven by a common team”, Physical Review E 79, 066117 (2009); Neil F. Johnson, Chen Xu, Zhenyuan Zhao, Nic Ducheneaut, Nick Yee, George Tita, Pak Ming Hui. Selected by American Journal of Physics ‘Highlights’ for outstanding research in physics. Also selected by American Physical Society for inclusion in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research (September, 2009).
“Dynamic communities in multichannel data”, Chaos, 19, 033119 (2009); Daniel J. Fenn, Mason A. Porter, Mark McDonald, Stacy Williams, Neil F. Johnson, and Nick S. Jones
“Strong dependence of infection profiles on grouping dynamics during epidemiological spreading”, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, ISSN 1867-8211 (2009); Zhenyuan Zhao, Guannan Zhao, Chen Xu, Pak Ming Hui and Neil Johnson
“Sampling bias due to structural heterogeneity and limited internal diffusion”, Europhysics Letters 85, 28001 (2009); Jukka-Pekka Onnela, Neil F. Johnson, Sean Gourley, Gesine Reinert, Michael Spagat
“Bias in Epidemiological Studies of Conflict Mortality”, Journal of Peace Research 45, 653 (2008); Neil F. Johnson, Michael Spagat, Sean Gourley, Jukka-Pekka Onnela, and Gesine Reinert. Awarded JPR Paper of the Year 2008
“Energy Transfer in Light-Adapted Photosynthetic Membranes: From Active to Saturated Photosynthesis”, Biophysical Journal, 97, 2464 (2009); Francesca Fassioli, Alexandra Olaya-Castro, Simon Scheuring, James N. Sturgis, and Neil F. Johnson
“Modeling the self-assembly dynamics of macromolecular protein aggregates underlying neurodegenerative disorders”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Vol. 6, 1 (2009); Zhenyuan Zhao, Rajiv Singh, Arghya Barman, Neil F. Johnson and Rajeev Prabhakar
"Dynamical Clustering as Generator of Complex System Dynamics", Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences, 19, 1539 (2009) Special Issue; Zhenyuan Zhao, Andy Kirou, Blazej Ruszczycki, and Neil F. Johnson
“Strong dependence of infection profiles on grouping dynamics during epidemiological spreading”, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, ISSN 1867-8211 (2009); Zhenyuan Zhao, Guannan Zhao, Chen Xu, Pak Ming Hui and Neil Johnson
"Ultrafast quantum dynamics in photosynthesis" in Quantum Aspects of Life (Imperial College Press, 2008); Alexandra Olaya Castro, Francesca Fassioli Olsen, Chiu Fan Lee and Neil F. Johnson. Also selected for the August 15 (2008) issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research
"Spin-glasses in optical cavity", Europhysics Letters, 81, 37004 (2008); C.F. Lee and Neil F. Johnson
“Efficiency of energy transfer in a light-harvesting system under
quantum coherence”, Phys. Rev. B 78, 085115 (2008); Alexandra Olaya-Castro, Chiu Fan Lee, Francesca Fassioli Olsen, Neil F. Johnson
"Link-space formalism for network analysis", Phys. Rev. E 77, 036112 (2008); David M. Smith, Chiu Fan Lee, Jukka-Pekka Onnela, and Neil F. Johnson
“Computational Modeling of Collective Human Behavior: The example of financial markets” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5101 (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2008) p. 33; Andy Kirou, Blazej Ruszczycki, Markus Walser and Neil F. Johnson
"Impact of Unexpected Events, Shocking News and Rumours on Foreign Exchange Market Dynamics", Phys. Rev. E 77, 046110 (2008); Mark McDonald, Omer Suleman, Stacy Williams, Sam Howison, Neil F. Johnson
“Mathematics, physics and crime”, Policing, Special Issue (2008); Neil Johnson
"Complexity in Human Conflict", in Managing Complexity: Insights, Concepts, Applications edited by Dirk Helbing (Springer, Berlin, 2008) p. 303-320; Neil F. Johnson
"Optical signatures of quantum phase transitions in a light-matter system", Europhysics Letters, 77, 34001 (2007); Timothy C. Jarrett, Alexandra Olaya-Castro and Neil F. Johnson
"A non-Markovian optical signature for detecting entanglement in coupled excitonic qubits", Europhysics Letters, 77, 50009 (2007): Ferney J. Rodriguez, Luis Quiroga and Neil F. Johnson
"Accelerating networks", New Journal of Physics, 9, 181 (2007); David M D Smith, Jukka-Pekka Onnela and Neil F Johnson
"Dynamics of two-qubit entanglement in a self-interacting spin-bath" J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 84, 012006 (2007); Francesca Fassioli Olsen, Alexandra Olaya-Castro, and Neil F. Johnson
"Quantum optical properties of the radiation field in the Dicke model", J. Phys. 84, 012009 (2007); Timothy C. Jarrett, Alexandra Olaya-Castro, and Neil F. Johnson
"Inferring the Composition of a Trader Population in a Financial Market" in Econophysics of Markets and Business Networks, (Springer-Verlag, 2007); Nachi Gupta, Raphael Hauser, and Neil F. Johnson
“Rethinking research management: Colombia”, Kybernetes 36, 364 (2007); Roberto Zarama et al. (multiple co-authors)
"Exact simulation of multi-qubit dynamics with only three qubits", Europhysics Letters 74, 208 (2006); Alexandra Olaya-Castro, Chiu Fan Lee, and Neil F. Johnson
"The Mother (Nature) of All Wars: Conflict, Global Terrorism and Complexity Science", APS News, November 2006: Neil F. Johnson
"Interplay between function and structure in complex networks", Phys. Rev. E 74, 026116 (2006): Timothy C. Jarrett, Douglas J. Ashton, Mark Fricker and Neil F. Johnson. Also selected for the September 1 (2006) issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research
"Effects of decision-making on the transport costs across complex networks", Physica A, 363, 82 (2006): Sean Gourley and Neil F. Johnson
"Pair Formation within Multi-Agent Populations", Physica A, 363, 151 (2006): David M.D. Smith, Neil F. Johnson
"Multi-Agent Complex Systems and Many-Body Physics", Europhysics Letters, 74, 923 (2006): Neil F. Johnson, David M.D. Smith, Pak Ming Hui
"Optically controlled spin-glasses in multi-qubit cavity systems" Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Communications, 74, 121301 (2006): Timothy C. Jarrett, Chiu Fan Lee and Neil F. Johnson. Also selected for the September 18 (2006) issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
"Predictability, Risk and Online Management in a Complex System of Adaptive Agents" in Econophysics and Sociophysics: Trends and Perspectives, Eds. B.K. Chakrabarti, A. Chakraborti, A. Chatterjee (Wiley-VCH, Berlin, 2006): David M.D. Smith, Neil F. Johnson
"In Search of the Perfect Partnership", in Potentials of Complexity Science for Business, Governments and the Media, Collegium Budapest (2006): Neil F. Johnson and David M.D. Smith
"Effects of decision-making on the transport costs across complex networks" in Complex Systems, Spie-Int Society Optical Engineering, 6039: 603908 (2006): Sean Gourley, Neil F. Johnson
"Effect of Congestion Costs on Shortest Paths Through Complex Networks", Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 058701 (2005): Doug J. Ashton, Timothy C. Jarrett and Neil F. Johnson. Also selected for the February 15, 2005 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research
"Direct equivalence between quantum phase transition phenomena in radiation-matter and magnetic systems: scaling of entanglement", Europhysics Letters, 69, 8 (2005): Jose Reslen, Luis Quiroga and Neil F. Johnson
"Reply to comment: "Direct equivalence between quantum phase transition phenomena in radiation-matter and magnetic systems" Europhysics Letters 72, 153 (2005): J. Reslen, L. Quiroga and N.F. Johnson
“Theoretical Analysis of Local Information Transmission in Competitive Populations”, in The Complex Networks of Economic Interactions, 567, A. Namatame, T. Kaizouji, Y. Aruka (Eds.), Springer Verlag (2005): S.C. Choe, S. Gourley, N.F. Johnson, P.M. Hui
"Theory of enhanced performance emerging in a sparsely connected competitive population", Phys. Rev. E 71, 050101 (2005): T. S. Lo, K. P. Chan, P. M. Hui and N. F. Johnson. Also selected for the June 1, 2005 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research
"Detecting a currency's dominance or dependence using foreign exchange network trees", Phys. Rev. E 72, 046106 (2005): Mark McDonald, Omer Suleman, Stacy Williams, Sam Howison and Neil F. Johnson
"Competitive advantage for multiple-memory strategies in an artificial market" in Noise & Fluctuations, Spie-Int. Society Optical Engineering, 5848: 225 (2005): K.E. Mitman, S. C. Choe and N. F. Johnson
“First-order super-radiant phase transitions in a multi-qubit--cavity system”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 083001 (2004): Chiu Fan Lee, Neil F. Johnson. Also selected for the August 30, 2004 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
"Dynamical interplay between local connectivity and global competition in a networked population", Europhys. Lett. 67, 867 (2004): S. Gourley, S.C. Choe, P.M. Hui, N.F. Johnson
"Error-driven global transition in a competitive population on a network", Rapid Communication, Phys. Rev. E 70, 055101 (2004): Sehyo Charley Choe, Neil F. Johnson, Pak Ming Hui. Also selected for the November 15, 2004 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research
“Crowd Effects in Competitive, Multi-Agent Populations and Networks”, in Non-Linear Dynamics and Heterogeneous Interacting Agents, 550, 55 (2005), edited by T. Lux et al., Springer Berlin: N.F. Johnson, S.C. Choe, S. Gourley, T. Jarrett, P.M. Hui
"Theory of networked minority games based on strategy pattern dynamics", Phys. Rev. E 70, 056102 (2004): T. S. Lo, H. Y. Chan, P. M. Hui, N. F. Johnson
"What shakes the FX tree? Understanding currency dominance, dependence and dynamics" in Noise and Fluctuations in Econophysics and Finance, Spie-Int Society Optical Engineering, 5848: 86 (2005): N.F. Johnson, M. McDonald, O. Suleman, S. Williams and S. Howison
"How does Europe Make Its Mind Up? Connections, cliques, and compatibility between countries in the Eurovision Song Contest" Physica A, 360, 576 (2006): Daniel Fenn, Omer Suleman, Janet Efstathiou, Neil F. Johnson
"Scheme for on-resonance generation of entanglement in time-dependent asymmetric two-qubit-cavity systems," Phys. Rev. A 70, 020301 (2004) Rapid Communication; Alexandra Olaya Castro, Neil F. Johnson, Luis Quiroga . Also selected for the September 2004 issue of Virtual Journal of Quantum Information
"Memory and self-induced shocks in an evolutionary population competing for limited resources", Phys. Rev. E 70, 056101 (2004): Roland Kay, Neil F. Johnson
"Managing Catastrophic Changes in a Collective”, in ‘Collectives and the Design of Complex Systems’, ed. K. Tumer and D. Wolpert, (Springer, New York, 2004), p. 161: David Lamper, Paul Jefferies, Michael Hart and Neil F. Johnson
“Anatomy of Rare Events in a Complex Adaptive System”, in ‘Chance Discovery’ ed. Y. Ohsawa and P. McBurney (Springer, Berlin, 2003) p. 62: Paul Jefferies, David Lamper, Neil F. Johnson
“Enhanced Winning in a Competing Population by Random Participation”, Phys. Rev. E 69, 046120 (2004): K.F. Yip, T.S. Lo, P.M. Hui, N.F. Johnson
“Theory of Collective Dynamics in Multi-Agent Complex Systems”, in Advances in Solid State Physics, Vol. 44, p.427, edited by B. Kramer (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2004): Neil F. Johnson, Sehyo C. Choe, Sean Gourley, Timothy Jarrett, Pak Ming Hui
“Efficient resource distribution in a minority game with a biased pool of strategies”, Physica A 321, 318 (2003): T. S. Lo, H. Y. Chan, P. M. Hui, N. F. Johnson
"Predictability of Large Future Changes in a Competitive Evolving Population", Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 017902 (2002): D. Lamper, S. Howison, N. F. Johnson
“Toward an Understanding of Financial Markets Using Multi-Agent Games”, in ‘New Directions in Statistical Physics: Econophysics, Bioinformatics and Pattern Recognition’ ed. Luc T. Wille (Springer, Berlin, 2004), p. 115: Neil F. Johnson
“The minority game with different payoff functions: Crowd-anticrowd theory”, Physica A 321, 309 (2003): T.S. Lo, P.M. Hui, N.F. Johnson
"Generalized strategies in the minority game", Phys. Rev. E 63, 017102 (2001): M. Hart, P. Jefferies, Neil F. Johnson, P.M. Hui
“Application of multi-agent games to the prediction of financial time series”, Physica A 299, 222 (2001): N. F. Johnson, D. Lamper, P. Jefferies, M. L. Hart, S. Howison
“Complexity: two's company, but three's a crowd”, Dr. Dobb's Journal, November 2002: D. Lamper and Neil F. Johnson
“Deterministic dynamics in the Minority Game”, Phys. Rev. E 65, 016105 (2001): P. Jefferies, M.L. Hart, N.F. Johnson
“Volatility and agent adaptability in a self-organizing market”, Physica A 258, 230 (1998): N.F. Johnson, S. Jarvis, R. Jonson, P. Cheung, Y.R. Kwong, P.M. Hui
“Crowd effects and volatility in markets with competing agents”, Physica A 269, 1 (1999): Neil F. Johnson, Michael Hart, Pak Ming Hui
“Minority game with arbitrary cutoffs”, Physica A 269, 493 (1999): N.F. Johnson, P.M. Hui, Dafang Zheng, C.W. Tai
“Enhanced winnings in a mixed-ability population playing in a minority game”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 32, L427 (1999): N.F. Johnson, P.M. Hui, D. Zheng, M. Hart
“Self-organized segregation of traders within a market”, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A 357, 2013 (1999): P.M. Hui, T.S. Lo, N.F. Johnson
“Global behavior in a population of adaptive competitive agents”, Adaptive Behavior 7, 243 (1999): P. M. Hui, Y. R. Kwong, P. Cheung, R. Jonson, and N. F. Johnson
“Evolutionary freezing in a competitive population”, Physica A 283, 568 (2000): N.F. Johnson, D.J.T. Leonard, P.M. Hui, T.S. Lo
“Trader dynamics in a model market”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 3, 443 (2000): Neil F. Johnson, Michael Hart, Pak Ming Hui, Dafang Zheng
“Evolutionary minority game with heterogeneous strategy distribution”, Physica A 287, 313 (2000): T.S. Lo, S.W. Lim, P.M. Hui, N.F. Johnson
"Optimal Combinations of Imperfect Objects", Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 028701 (2002): Damien Challet, Neil F. Johnson
“Segregation in a competing and evolving population”, Physica A 288, 451 (2000): P.M. Hui, T.S. Lo, N.F. Johnson
“Mixed population minority game with generalized strategies”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. (Letter) 33, L409 (2000): P. Jefferies, M. Hart, N.F. Johnson, P.M. Hui
“Stochastic strategies in the Minority Game”, Phys. Rev. E 63, 017102 (2000): M. Hart, P. Jefferies, N.F. Johnson, P.M. Hui
“Theory of the evolutionary minority game”, Phys. Rev. E 62, 4393 (2000): T.S. Lo, P.M. Hui, N.F. Johnson
“Crowd-Anticrowd theory of multi-agent market games”, Eur. Phys. J. B 20, 547 (2000): M. Hart, P. Jefferies, P.M. Hui and N.F. Johnson
“From market games to real-world markets”, Eur. Phys. J. B 20, 493 (2000): P. Jefferies, M.L. Hart, P.M. Hui, N.F. Johnson
“Crowd-anticrowd theory of the minority game”, Physica A 298, 537 (2001): M. Hart, P. Jefferies, N.F. Johnson, P.M. Hui
“Global behaviour in a competing and evolving population” in Dynamic Days (World Scientific, 2001): T.S. Lo, S.W. Lim, P.M. Hui, N.F. Johnson
“Dynamics of the Time Horizon Minority Game”, Physica A 311, 275 (2002): Michael L. Hart, Paul Jefferies, Neil F. Johnson
“Cellular automata models of traffic flow along a highway containing a junction”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 29, 3119 (1996): S.C. Benjamin, N.F. Johnson, P.M. Hui
“Effects of announcing global information in a two-route traffic flow model”, J. Phys. Soc. Jap. (Letter), 70, 3507 (2001): K. Lee, P. M. Hui, B. H. Wang, and N. F. Johnson
“Non-universal scaling in a model of information transmission and herd behaviour”, Eur. Phys. J. B 27, 213 (2002): Dafang Zheng, P. M. Hui, N. F. Johnson
“An investigation of crash avoidance in a complex system”, Physica A 316, 649 (2002): Michael L. Hart, David Lamper, Neil F. Johnson
“Winning combinations of history-dependent games”, Phys. Rev. E 67, 056128 (2003): Roland J. Kay, Neil F. Johnson
“Anatomy of extreme events in a complex adaptive system”, Physica A, 318, 592 (2003): Paul Jefferies, David Lamper, Neil F. Johnson
“Quantum Information Processing in Nanostructures”, Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology, Vol. X, edited by M. Rieth and W. Schommers (American Scientific Publishers, 2005): A. Olaya Castro and Neil F. Johnson
“Efficient quantum computation within a disordered Heisenberg spin-chain”, Phys. Rev. A 70, 052322 (2004): Alexandra Olaya-Castro, Neil F. Johnson, Luis Quiroga
"Self-organized segregation within an evolving population", Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3360 (1999): Neil F. Johnson, Pak Ming Hui, Rob Jonson, Ting Shek Lo
“Dynamics of quantum correlations and linear entropy in a multi-qubit-cavity system”, J. Opt. B: “Special Issue on Fluctuations & Noise in Photonics & Quantum Optics.” (2004): A. Olaya Castro, Neil F. Johnson, Luis Quiroga
“Quantum random walks with history dependence”, J. Phys. A 37 (2004) 7581-7591: Adrian P. Flitney, Derek Abbott, Neil F. Johnson
"Non-Markovian Signatures of Quantum Superposition States in a Nanostructure”, Microelectronics Journal 35, 95 (2004); L. Quiroga, F.J. Rodrıguez and N.F. Johnson
“Game-theoretic discussion of quantum state estimation and cloning”, Physics Letters A 319, 429 (2003): Chiu Fan Lee, Neil F. Johnson
“Quantum coherence, correlated noise and Parrondo games”, Fluctuation and Noise Letters, 2, L293 (2002): Chiu Fan Lee, Neil F. Johnson, Ferney Rodriguez, Luis Quiroga
“Exploiting Randomness in Quantum Information Processing”, Phys. Lett. A 301, 343 (2002): Chiu Fan Lee, Neil F. Johnson
“Quantum comparison machines with one-sided error”, Quantum Information Processing, vol.1, no.4, p.253, 2002: Chiu Fan Lee, Neil F. Johnson
“Efficiency and formalism of quantum games”, Phys. Rev. A 67, 022311 (2003): Chiu Fan Lee, Neil F. Johnson
“Ultrafast optical signature of quantum superpositions in a nanostructure”, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Comm.) 66, 161302 (2002): F.J. Rodriguez, L. Quiroga, Neil F. Johnson
“Let the Quantum Games begin”, Physics World, Feature Article, October 2002: Chiu Fan Lee, Neil F. Johnson
“NMR-based nanostructure switch for quantum logic”, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications) 62, R2267 (2000): John H. Reina, Luis Quiroga, Neil F. Johnson
“Playing a quantum game with a corrupted source”, Phys. Rev. A (Rapid Communications) 63, 020302 (2001): Neil F. Johnson
“Evolutionary quantum game”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. (Letter) 34, L547 (2001): Roland Kay, Neil F. Johnson, Simon C. Benjamin
“Quantum entanglement and information processing via excitons in optically driven quantum dots”, Phys. Rev. A 62, 012305 (2000): John H. Reina, Luis Quiroga, Neil F. Johnson
“Decoherence of quantum registers”, Phys. Rev. A 65, 032326 (2002): John H. Reina, Luis Quiroga, Neil F. Johnson
“Quantum information processing in semiconductor nanostructures”, invited chapter, ISI-Accademia dei Lincei Conventional and Non Conventional Computing (Quantum and DNA), published by Springer Verlag (2002): John H. Reina, Luis Quiroga, Neil F. Johnson
“Entangled Bell and Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger States of Excitons in Coupled Quantum Dots”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 2270 (1999): L. Quiroga and Neil F. Johnson
“Decoherence effects on the generation of exciton entangled states in coupled quantum dots”, Physica Status Solidi (a) 178, 403 (2000): F.J. Rodriguez, L. Quiroga, Neil F. Johnson
“A possible nanometer-scale computing device based on an adding cellular automaton”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 70, 2321 (1997): Simon C. Benjamin and Neil F. Johnson
“Quantum teleportation in a solid state system” Phys. Rev. A 63, 012303 (2000): John H. Reina, Neil F. Johnson
“Cellular structures for computation in the quantum regime”, Phys. Rev. A 60, 4334 (1999): Simon C. Benjamin and Neil F. Johnson
“Entangled electronic states in multiple quantum-dot arrays”, Phys. Rev. B 51, 14733 (1995): Simon C. Benjamin and Neil F. Johnson
“Exact dynamical response of an N-electron quantum dot subject to a time-dependent potential”, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communication) 55, R4903 (1997): Simon C. Benjamin, Neil F. Johnson
“Electron correlations and fractional quantum Hall states in a double-layer electron system”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matt. (Letter) 7, L159 (1995): Simon C. Benjamin, Neil F. Johnson
“Localized magnetoplasmon modes arising from broken translational symmetry in semiconductor superlattices”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 12, 2793 (2000): J.H. Reina, J.C. Granada and Neil F. Johnson
“Spatial correlation of quantum dot electrons in a magnetic field”, Solid State Comm. 86, 775 (1993): Simon C. Benjamin, Neil F. Johnson
“Analytic microscopic model of fractional quantum Hall states”, Solid State Comm. 89, 661 (1994): Neil F. Johnson and Luis Quiroga
“Analytic results for the linear and non-linear response of atoms in a trap with a model interaction”, Phys. Rev. A 54, 4309 (1996): Simon C. Benjamin, Luis Quiroga and Neil F. Johnson
“Microscopic analytical theory of a correlated, two-dimensional N-electron gas in a magnetic field”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 9, 5889 (1997): Neil F. Johnson and Luis Quiroga
“Orthogonality catastrophe in a composite fermion liquid”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter (Letter) 10, L453 (1998): Darren J.T. Leonard, T. Portengen, V. Nikos Nicopoulos, Neil F. Johnson
“A solvable model for excitonic complexes in one dimension”, J. Math. Phys. 38, 4013 (1997): A. J. Markvardsen, N. F. Johnson
“Dynamical properties of a two-dimensional electron gas in a magnetic field within the composite fermion model”, Phys. Rev. B 58, 15468 (1998): Darren J.T. Leonard, Neil F. Johnson
“Doublet structures in quantum-well absorption spectra due to Fano-related interference”, Phys. Rev. B 58, 7210 (1998): G. Rau, P. C. Klipstein, N. F. Johnson
“Analytic results for N particles with inverse-square interaction in two dimensions and an external magnetic field”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 4277 (1995): Neil F. Johnson and Luis Quiroga
“Acoustic attenuation in a type-II superconductor at high magnetic fields”, Phys. Rev. B 57, 3051 (1998): G.M. Bruun, V.N. Nicopoulos, N.F. Johnson
“Photoluminescence signatures of negatively charged magnetoexcitons”, Phys. Rev. B 57, 1762 (1998): J.R.Chapman, Neil F. Johnson, V.N.Nicopoulos
“Optical properties of GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells subjected to large in-plane axial stress”, Phys. Rev. B 60, 1900 (1999): G. Rau, P. C. Klipstein, N. F. Johnson
“Ginzburg-Landau-Gor'kov theory of magnetic oscillations in a type-II two-dimensional superconductor”, Phys. Rev. B 56, 809-825 (1997): G. M. Bruun, V. N. Nicopoulos, N. F. Johnson
“Skyrmionic excitons”, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications) 56, R10052 (1997): T. Portengen, J. R. Chapman, V.N. Nicopoulos, N.F. Johnson
“Optical properties of a two-dimensional electron gas at even-denominator filling fractions”, Phys. Rev. B 55, 7141 (1997): D.J.T. Leonard, N.F. Johnson, V.N. Nicopoulos, F.J. Rodriguez
“Photoluminescence signature of Skyrmions at filling factor of unity”, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communication) 55, R7367 (1997): T. Portengen, J. R. Chapman, V. Nikos Nicopoulos, N. F. Johnson
“Stability of optically active charged excitons in quasi-two-dimensional systems”, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communication) 55, R10221 (1997): J.R. Chapman, N.F. Johnson and V.N. Nicopoulos
“Analytic solutions for the valence subband mixing at the zone center of a GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum well under uniaxial stress perpendicular to the growth direction”, Phys. Rev. B 54, 5700 (1996): G. Rau, P. C. Klipstein, V. N. Nicopoulos, and N. F. Johnson
“Optical absorption and addition spectra of an N-electron quantum dot: An algebraic Hamiltonian approach”, Phys. Rev. B 49, 14409 (1994): R.W. Haase and Neil F. Johnson
“Theory of propagation of scalar waves in periodic and disordered composite structures”, Phys. Rev. B 48, 10118 (1993): N.F. Johnson and P.M. Hui
“Quantum dots; few-body, low-dimensional systems”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matt. 7, 965 (1995): Neil F. Johnson
“Photonic Band Gap Materials”, Solid State Physics, Volume 49, edited by H. Ehrenreich and F. Spaepen (Academic Press, New York, 1995): P.M. Hui and N.F. Johnson
“Electron correlations in mesoscopic structures”, Contemp. Phys., 36, 377 (1995): N.F. Johnson
“Group Theory Classification Schemes of the N-electron Quantum Dot”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 8, 9 (1994): R.W. Haase and N.F. Johnson
“Theory of Photonic Band Structures: A vector k.p Approach”, Solid State Comm. 90, 229 (1994): N.F. Johnson, P.M. Hui and H.K. Luk
“Microscopic Theory of Periodic Conductance Resonances in Narrow Channels”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 1513 (1993): N.F. Johnson and M.C. Payne
"Spatial Correlation of Quantum Dot Electrons in a Magnetic Field" Solid State Comm. 86, 775 (1993): L. Quiroga, D. Ardila and N.F. Johnson
“Theory of Scalar Wave Propagation in Periodic Composites: A k.p Approach”, Solid State Comm. 91, 65 (1994): P.M. Hui, W.M. Lee and N.F. Johnson
“Optical Absorption in Quantum Wells with Two Characteristic Curvatures”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 62, 627 (1993): N.F. Johnson and J.E. Vargas
“Classification of N-electron States in a Quantum Dot”, Phys. Rev. B 48, 1583 (1993): R.W. Haase and N.F. Johnson
“Magnetic Coupling in Fe/Cr/Fe Sandwich Structures Directly Observed by Polarised Neutron Reflection”, J. Magn. and Magn. Mater., 123, 320 (1993): J.A.C. Bland, R.D. Bateson, N.F. Johnson, V.S. Speriosu, B.A. Gurney and J. Penfold
“Neutron Ellipsometry”, J. Magn. and Magn. Mater., 125, 69 (1993): J.A.C. Bland, H.P. Hughes, S.J. Blundell, and N.F. Johnson
“k.p Theory of Photonic Band Structures in Periodic Dielectrics”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matt. (Letter), 5, L355 (1993): N.F. Johnson and P.M. Hui
“Theory of Propagation of Scalar Waves in Periodic and Disordered Composite Structures”, Phys. Rev. B.48, 10118 (1993): N.F. Johnson and P.M. Hui
“Resonant Phenomena involving Bound-to-Continuum Transitions in Quantum Wells”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 63, 3467 (1993): F.L. Serzhenko and N.F. Johnson
"Schur Function Analysis of the Unitary Discrete Series Representations of the Non-compact Symplectic Group", J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 26, 1663 (1993): R.W. Haase and Neil F. Johnson
“Superlattice Excitons and Optical Absorption”, J. Appl. Phys. 74, 7369 (1993): P.M. Young, H. Ehrenreich, P.M. Hui and N.F. Johnson
“Quantum-Dot Excitation Spectrum: Laughlin-like States”, Phys. Rev. B. (Rapid Communication) 46, 2636 (1992): N.F. Johnson
“Dimensional Instabilities of an Electron Gas in a Quantum Dot”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter (Letter), 4, L555 (1992): N.F. Johnson
“The Accuracy of the Hartree-Fock Approximation for Quantum Dots”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter (Letter), 4, L623 (1992): N.F. Johnson and M. Reina
“Many Body Effects in Resonant Tunnelling through Quantum Dots”, Phys. Rev. B 45, 3819 (1992): N.F. Johnson and M.C. Payne
“Solvable Model of Interacting Particles in a Quantum Dot”, Superlatt. and Microstr. 11, 309 (1992): N.F. Johnson and M.C. Payne
“Exactly Solvable Model of Interacting Particles in a Quantum Dot”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 1157 (1991): N.F. Johnson and M.C. Payne
“Electronic and Optical Properties of Semiconductor Superlattices”, in Optical Properties of Solids, (World Scientific, Singapore, 1991): P.M. Hui and N. F. Johnson
“Excitons in Superlattices”, J. Condens. Matt. (Letter) 2, 2099 (1990): N.F. Johnson
“Electronic and Optical Properties of III-V and II-VI Semiconductor Superlattices”, Phys. Rev. B 41, 3655 (1990): N.F. Johnson, H. Ehrenreich, P.M. Hui and P. Young
“Infrared Optical Properties of III-V and II-VI Semiconductor Superlattices”, Surf. Sci. 228, 197 (1990): N.F. Johnson and H. Ehrenreich
“Electronic and Optical Properties of a Superlattice in a Parabolic Quantum Well”, Phys. Rev. B 42, 2886 (1990): L. Brey, N.F. Johnson and Jed Dempsey
“Infrared Optical Absorption in Imperfect Parabolic Quantum Wells”, Phys. Rev. B 42, 1240 (1990): L. Brey, J. Dempsey, N.F. Johnson and B.I. Halperin
“Collective Modes in Quantum Dot Arrays in Magnetic Fields”, Phys. Rev. B 42, 11708 (1990): J. Dempsey, N.F. Johnson, L. Brey and B.I. Halperin
“Electronic Properties of Parabolic Quantum Wells”, in Light Scattering in Semiconductor Structures and Superlattices, (Plenum, New York, 1990): L. Brey, N.F. Johnson, J. Dempsey and B.I. Halperin
“Optical and Magneto-Optical Absorption in Parabolic Quantum Wells”, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications) 40, 10647 (1989): L. Brey, N.F. Johnson and B.I. Halperin
"Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of III-V and II-VI Semiconductor Superlattices" (Univ. Micr. Inc., Ann Arbor, 1990): Neil F. Johnson
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