Xiangyun Qiu

Xiangyun Qiu

Xiangyun Qiu

Associate Professor of Physics



Email: Xiangyun Qiu
Office Phone: 202-994-6537
Science & Engineering Hall 800 22nd Street, NW, RM 6510 Washington DC 20052

Areas of Expertise

  • Molecular Biophysics
  • Medical Physics
  • Nucleic Acids Biophysics
  • X-ray and Neutron Scattering

Current Research

We are particularly interested in discovering the kind of new knowledge that brings physics to biology. Our approach is to start at the molecular level and work from bottom up on biomolecules of increasing complexity. Developing faithful physical models and refining them with experiments have been the staples of our endeavor. Our research has spanned all families of biomolecules from nucleic acids to protein to lipids, and the primary techniques in the lab are x-ray and neutron scattering, force measurements, and biophysical modeling. The latest addition to our research portfolio is the area of medical physics.


2004, PhD in Condensed Matter Physics, Michigan State University

1999, BS in Physics, University of Science and Technology of China