Nuclear Physics Seminars

Seminars Fall 2019 

Seminars take place on Tuesdays 4-5pm in Corcoran Hall, room 413


Seminars Spring 2019

Hakan Akdag

(Bonn U/ Germany)

10/01 Resonance couplings in eta(') --> pi pi gamma (PDF)  
Niklas Müller (BNL) 10/08 Deeply inelastic scattering structure functions on a hybrid quantum computer (PDF)  
Brian Beckford (U of Michigan) 10/29 The search for the elusive KL → πνν with the KOTO detector (PDF)  
Giovanni Angelini (GW Physics) 11/05 Semi Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering with CLAS12 (PDF)  
Chris Culver (GW Physics) 11/26 Three-body spectrum from Lattice QCD (PDF)  

Seminars Fall 2018

Lisheng Geng (Beihang U/China) 01/22 DK/DDK/DDDK Molecules - Clusters of Hadrons as New Forms of Matter (PDF)  
Ruairí Brett (Carnegie-Mellon University) 02/12 Excited State Spectroscopy and Meson-Meson Scattering from Lattice QCD (PDF)  
Scott Lawrence (University of Maryland) 02/26 Quantum Simulation of Gauge Theory (PDF)  
Sylvester Joosten (Argonne National Lab) 03/19 Heavy Quarkonium Production: Probing the Gluonic Structure of the Nucleon and the Dynamic Origin of its Mass  
Axel Schmidt (MIT) 03/26 Short-Range Correlations and the EMC Effect  
Miguel Arratia (U of Berkeley) 04/02

Exploring the next QCD frontier at the Jefferson Lab and the Electron-Ion Collider

Annika Thiel (Bonn U/ Germany): 04/06 Light Hadron Spectroscopy  

Seminars Spring 2018

Igor Strakovsky (GW Physics) 09/11 Current status of hadronic physics with GlueX at JLab  
Ievgen Lavrukhin (GW Physics) 09/18 MUSE and the Proton Radius Puzzle  
Neill Warrington University of Maryland 10/16 Neutrino-Nucleon scattering in the neutrinosphere (PDF)  
Emre Barut (GW Statistics) 10/30 Joint Nuclear/Astronomy Seminar: The LASSO and His Friends: A Non-Comprehensive Tour Through the Recent Advances in High Dimensional Statistics (PDF)  
Stuart Fegan (Jefferson Lab) 11/27 Light Scalar Meson Photoproduction at Jefferson Lab with GlueX (PDF)  
Raza Sufian (Jefferson Lab) 12/04 Pion Valence Distribution using Hadronic “Lattice Cross Sections” (PDF)  


Garth Huber (U of Regina) (U of Regina) 01/31 Deep Exclusive p(e,e'π+)n and p(e,e'K+)Λ Studies at Jefferson Lab  
José Ramon Peláez (U Complutense/ Spain) 02/13 Introduction to dispersive tools for meson-meson scattering and determination of light scalar resonances  
Henry S. Lamm (U of Maryland) 02/27 Complex Solution to Sign Problems  
Paz Benjamini (GW Physics) 03/06 Joint Nuclear/Astronomy Seminar: Electromagnetic counterpart to a gravitational wave event
José Manuel Alarcon (Jefferson Lab) 03/20 Novel Calculation of the Nucleon form Factors with Dispersively Improved Chiral EFT
Alessandro Pilloni (Jefferson Lab) 04/03 Amplitude analysis to understand the nature of exotic hadrons
Maxim Mai (GW Physics) 04/10 Explorations of the Interface between Lattice QCD and Experiment
H. Grießhammer (GW Physics) 04/17 A Paradigm Change: The Nuclear Landscape Without NN Details
Michael Egelhardt (New Mexico State U) 04/24 Lattice QCD Investigations of Quark Transverse Momentum in Hadrons
Fernando Romero (U of Valencia/ Spain) 05/01 Kaon decays at large Nc
Klaus Peters (GSI and U of Frankfurt/ Germany) 05/15 Studies of Hadron Physics with the PANDA Experiment at FAI

Organization and contact: Michael Doering ( and Maxim Mai (

Seminar posters  by Maxim Mai and María José Vidal Gandía