Patrizia Rossi

Patrizia Rossi graduated in Physics at the University of Rome (Italy) in 1986. She is the Deputy Associate Director for Nuclear Physics at Jefferson Lab (JLab), Research Professor at George Washington University, and Research Director at the Frascati National Laboratories of INFN-Italy (on leave). She has been the National co-spokesperson of the Italian collaboration at JLab from 2003 until May 2012. Her scientific research focuses on hadron and nuclear physics using electromagnetic probes. This research aims to study the structure of the nucleon and the nature of the strong interaction in terms of fundamental constituents of QCD. Her most recent investigations are related to the study of the transverse momentum parton distribution functions for which she is co- spokesperson for several experiments. Hardware activity has been focused on the construction of electromagnetic calorimeters, trigger detectors, detectors for energy loss measurement and the realization of monochromatic photon beams. In recent years, her activity has been concentrated on construction of a RICH detector based on a novel hybrid imaging design, for the CLAS12 spectrometer of Hall B at JLab, Besides her research at Jlab, she has carried out experiments at DESY Laboratory in Hamburg, ESRF Laboratory in Grenoble, and Frascati National Laboratories. Her professional service includes co-editor of the European Physical Journal A (EPJA), member of the US Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (NSAC), member of the GSI-FAIR Strategy Board, member of the GSI-FAIR Scientific Committee, member of the Program Advisory Committee of JLab, member of several committees for research grants and scholarship assignments along with several internal staff search committees. In addition, she has been an advisor to many Undergraduate/PHD students and Post-docs. She has co-authored over 200 refereed journal papers and presented her work in almost hundred conferences/workshops/ seminars.
- Experimental Nuclear Physics
PhD in Physics, University of Rome, 1986