Harald W. Griesshammer

Harald W. Griesshammer
Professor of Physics and Director of Graduate Studies
306 Corcoran Hall , 725 21st St NW
Washington DC 20052
Areas of Expertise
- Theoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics
- Chiral Effective Field Theory
- Effective Field Theories of one- and few-nucleon systems
- Universality
- Compton scattering
- Non-perturbative QCD
Current Research
Strong, electromagnetic and weak interactions in one-and few-nucleon systems at low energy in Effective Field Theory, including Compton scattering, universality, hadronic flavour-conserving parity violation.
Habilitation, Tech. Univ. München, 2005
PhD, Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg, 1996
Classes Taught
Graduate Electrodynamics, Graduate Mathematical Methods, Graduate Nuclear and Particle Physics