The International Workshop on Partial Wave Analysis for Hadron Spectroscopy
The International Workshop on Partial Wave Analysis for Hadron Spectroscopy (PWA 8/ATHOS 3) took place in Ashburn, Virginia, from April 13-17, 2015. The goal of the workshop is to bring together experts from the experimental and theoretical community to discuss the current and future issues in the field. The format of the Workshop is based on plenary sessions including overview talks, a number of topical presentations and several discussion sessions with the aim of summarizing the state-of-the-art in hadron spectroscopy, highlighting the open questions and discussing the development of new tools for next generation experiments.
Phone: 703-554-9495
Local Organizing Committee
William J. Briscoe (GWU)
Michael Doring (GWU)
Helmut Haberzettl (GWU)
Michael Pennington (JLab)
Adam Szczepaniak (Indiana U./JLab)
Sponsored by GWU, JLab, and Indiana University