Julian Calvert Eisenstein

Julian Calvert Eisenstein
Legacy Faculty, 1966-87
After receiving his PhD from Harvard in 1948 and a distinguished career at the National Bureau of Standards, Julian Eisenstein agreed to join our faculty in 1966 and to take on the Chairmanship of the Department. He brought with him all of his skills in managing a diverse group of scientists and in creating and running a state-of-the art research laboratory. Converting what was the central business office of the University into a functioning nuclear-magnetic-resonance lab required vision and dedication, which Julian had in abundance. By his example, this dedication inspired and invigorated his colleagues and staff. The faculty would even volunteer their Saturdays to help in Julian's parts-and-equipment recovery days, when surplus instruments from Blue Plains would be given new life.
His students remember him with fond appreciation for his ability to communicate his evident profound understanding of physics with clear precision, gentle support, and subtle humor. Professor Eisenstein was always fully prepared in his subject, and always willing to help in the learning process.
Outside of the office, Julian nurtured the faculty toward the sense of an extended family with a common purpose. His colleagues could find no better example of a true gentleman and a scholar.